Survival 303 Wiki

An Herb is a food item in Survival 303.


Herbs are small, dark green plants with healing properties found in only one location. Alone, they aren't very useful, since they don't restore as much vitality as flax flowers and drain thirst severely, but they are the main ingredient in herbal remedies, which give a lot more health and don't drain thirst, though they require a mixing flask to create. Herbs can also be used to spice up raw bento meat before cooking it, making the final product Spiced Bento Venison, a significantly more filling version of bento venison. They can also be planted in small composts to grow more herbs, useful for mass-producing spiced venison or herbal remedies. Altogether, though they are hard to find and relatively useless on their own, herbs can be quite useful when combined with the right materials.
