Survival 303 Wiki

Tribes are very complex or can be also simple at times. It depends on how good you are of a leader and how good you are at the game. It also depends on who you choose to be in your tribe. Tribes in Survival 303 are the main part of the game. Without a tribe, things may be hard unless you are good at being solo or you have great weapons.

There are an array of colors to choose from. It's recommended to pick a color that has matching dye so you can paint flags and sails to correspond with your tribe.

To invite players to your tribe, you type their name in the black box below 'Chieftain Tools' and then click 'INVITE PLAYER' in green. You can assign jobs to tribemates that'll appear in parentheses, such as 'Baker', 'Farmer', 'Fisher', 'Smither', etc.
